Nirupam has also participated in various reality shows and game shows, such as Wow and Wow 2 hosted by veteran actor Sai Prakash. He has worked in many TV serials and TV shows, click here to see the full list. The 2017 serial Karthika Deepam proved to be the turning point of his career, he gained a lot of love from the audience with this serial. Interestingly, they played the role of a couple in the Chandramukhi serial and later became a couple in real life as well. After being in a relationship for a few years, both developed a special bond and got married in 2010.
In 2008, he made his debut in the TV industry with the Telugu TV serial Chandramukhi, along with actress Manjula. Due to lack of work in films, Nirupam tried her luck in the Telugu TV industry. Nirupam did his schooling at Vijaywada’s Public School and an MBA from SCSVMV University in Kanchipuram.Īfter completing his studies, he started giving auditions for Telugu films but he got only disappointment from there. Being a star kid, his attraction towards films and TV shows continued to reach another level since childhood.ĭespite his determination to make a career in acting since childhood, he completed his studies in MBA. Nirupam Paritala was born on 15 February 1988 ( age 33 years in 2021 ) in Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh.